Baldwin Boys' High School (abbreviated BBHS, informally referred to as Baldwins) is a private boys school for boarders and day scholar, founded in 1880 in Bangalore, India. The school is run by Methodist Church in India under the chairmanship of a bishop.Bishop and Mrs. William F. Oldham, surveyors, started a school at their residence on Alexandria Street. Their aim was to provide schooling for English-speaking Methodist children. When the Oldhams left India for theological studies in the United States, the school was transferred to the vestry of the Richmond Town Methodist Church and placed under then Pastor, Rev. John Edward Robinson, elected Missionary Bishop in 1904. Prior to this, John Baldwin, a wealthy American businessman and theologist, founded the Oldhams' school on a large scale and gave it its name. The first Principal, Rev. Marion B. Kirk from East Ohio Conference served in all capacities at the school as house-holder, administrator, teacher, gamester and musician. After six months, Rev. Kirk was transferred to Kolar's Orphanage and Mission.