The morals of modern education has reached at such a stage that we, as true citizens of the nation must be prepared to downsize every competition that our future is expected to face. We cannot hide ourselves from the wind of civilization and we cannot avoid ourselves from the future. The future of our society and nation is in the hands of these little boys and girls. We must encourage others and ourselves and gather our hands for shaping the future of these little babies of the nation. A person strongly upholding ethical and moral values, creative and critical thinker, understands the dignity of labour, cares for the creations of God, special concern for the downtrodden and always ready to sacrifice everything for the safety and prosperity of Mother India, is the "Teacher". The teacher is a mentor who also plays the role of a Pathfinder. Students must respect their teachers and vice versa. They are critical thinkers who have a lifelong intrinsic motivation for learning and are prepared to enter high quality educational institutions throughout the world. Most importantly, our community recognizes them as compassionate, ethical, and inspirational leaders.