The Rewachand Bhojwani Academy (RBA) is located in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India. It is a mainstream school for children from the ages of 3 years to 18 years. The school is co-educational, with classes starting from the Nursery to Standard 12.The students in Standard 10 have the option of appearing for the Maharashtra State Board, Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or the National Institute of Open Schooling Examination (NIOS). RBA is an integrated school welcoming children from different linguistic, religious and social backgrounds as well as children with diagnosed learning difficulties and physical challenges. Admission to any class is restricted to 35 children. Most classes have a waiting list for admission, seats becoming available only occasionally.RBA has a total strength of 520 children and 65 staff members. It is recognized by the government of Maharashtra but does not receive government aid. Instruction for most subjects is through English. However, the study of Hindi and Marathi is compulsory. The academic year begins in mid June and ends in the end of April every year.