The Marthoma Syrian Church is an Indigenous, oriental and reformed church, which has a historical tradition that goes back to the first century C.E Down through the ages she is committed to the service of humanity through its educational institutions, hospitals, orphanages, and rehabilitation centres for the mentally and physically challenged and socially oppressed classes. She is engaged in the social development activities to uplift the rural masses of India. The Church at present is spread in all the continents of the world. The faith community is committed to make their presence felt by involving in the general life of the larger community. About 50 years ago, a small number of people migrated to Indore and formed a community titled “Mar Thoma Parish, Indore”. In the year 1978 the members initiated a social project at Kshipra, Dewas with an intention of educating, equipping and emancipating the poor masses of the neighboring villages. The project was later handed over to the Christian Agency for Rural Development, an auxiliary of the Mar Thoma Church.