LONGVIEW PUBLIC SCHOOL, was started as a primary school in the year 2001 with the mission “EDUCATION FOR ALL”.. Today the school has grown to a full fledged secondary school. The management of LONGVIEW PUBLIC SCHOOL is in the hands of leading educationists. LPS is an English medium residential cum day school for boys from classes I to X. The school has been granted affiliation by CBSE Delhi and strictly follows the curriculum prescribed by CBSE. To our way of thinking education means natural growth and unfolding of all the faculties. With this in mind, the school seeks to provide a situation and environment that engenders activities of different kinds. We make a special effort to cultivate the hand as well as the head, encouraging creative expression, however crude the form it may be at first assume. We want each child to learn the secrets of his own personality and to acquire satisfactory outlets for his physical and emotional life.